About Hench/Cores

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In MixMaster Online, the terms "Henches" and "Cores" are central and essential elements to the gaming experience. Let's understand the meaning of each:

"Henches" refers to the adventure companions that players can acquire by defeating monsters in the game. These creatures, once defeated, leave behind a core, also known as "core." By resurrecting this core, the monster becomes a loyal Hench, ready to accompany the player on their journey. Players have the ability to carry up to three Henches simultaneously, each evolving alongside the main character. These companions not only assist in battles but also offer strategic advantages, as they are categorized into types, with some having advantages over others.

"Cores" are the nuclei left by defeated monsters, essential for the creation and evolution of Henches. Each core is unique, featuring distinct characteristics, races, abilities, and mixing formulas. Blending two cores results in the creation of a new, more powerful core. MixMaster Online highlights the diversity among monsters and cores, encouraging players to explore and discover unique combinations. With over 1,000 available cores and unknown combinations, the quest for the perfect core is an exciting part of the player's journey.

In summary, Henches are loyal battle companions, while Cores represent the nuclei left by monsters that can be combined to create more powerful Henches. This dynamic of collecting, creating, and evolving Henches and Cores adds a strategic and thrilling layer to the MixMaster Online universe.