Game News

Server Restart Completed!

Hello Masters, Tonight we completed a quick server restart to mixmaster online. We are in the final stages of launching [b]Gameguard[/b] security...

Sunday, July 8 2018, at 09:35 PM (GMT +10)
Mark Discount Sale 15%

Hello masters! We have added mixmallmarks only discount sale until 8th July 2018. You can purchase any mixmall mark with 15% discount. Weekend...

Friday, July 6 2018, at 04:06 PM (GMT +10)
[30% more Cash Charge] Event!

Hello masters! From 29th June until July, 1st we are running a Cash promotional event: 30% more on any Package of Cash Points! Its time to get...

Friday, June 29 2018, at 02:16 PM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance, server online!

Hello masters! Thank you for patiently waiting while we underwent server maintenance today. [b]We have made the following changes:[/b] [1]...

Friday, June 29 2018, at 02:12 PM (GMT +10)
Maintenance on Friday, 29/06/2018

Hello masters! Scheduled maintenance will commence today at [b]12:00pm ~ 3:00pm.[/b] We will be adding some slight changes to the server...

Friday, June 29 2018, at 09:14 AM (GMT +10)
Special Item Boost Event

Hello Masters! until Friday 22nd June, we have added bonus item drop rate by 10x! We hope you can take advantage of the event and enjoy with your...

Monday, June 18 2018, at 08:52 PM (GMT +10)