Game News

Patch Notes
[Patch] January, 31 Changelog

Hello masters! Today we have released a Patch that works to fix minor bugs and update translation. If you find any problem, please, report us....

Tuesday, January 31 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)
Patch Notes
[Patch] January, 28 Changelog

Hello masters! Today, as you may noticed in autopatch, we have released a patch to fix minor bugs and increase translation settings:[ChangeLog]...

Saturday, January 28 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)
Amazing! The game is ready! Download it and play today!

Hello masters! Finally the Open BETA is active! Now you can finally enjoy the mixmaster world with your friends! Already created your...

Friday, January 27 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)

Hello future masters! Be ready! We have confirmed the release date! Now, all you have to do to start this amazing adventure is ...

Thursday, January 26 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)