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Stat Reset

[Functional Item]
Potion that resets all Stat points.

Discounted Item (-40% OFF)
Life Charger (small)

[Time Charger for Hench]
Mysterious Potion to extend hench's life by 1 days.

Discounted Item (-40% OFF)
Attack Speed Increment Scroll (1 hour)

Consumable item
Hero Attack Speed Increase
* Increases the Hero attack speed by 2x.

Duration: 1 hour
Usage limit: 1 use

Discounted Item (-40% OFF)
Premium Megaphone

Fancy item
Every user in the corresponding server can hear what character says.

Discounted Item (-40% OFF)
Resurrection Scroll

Consumable Item
Magical scroll which can only be used when Hero dies.
It revives the Hero on the spot.

Usage limit: 1 use

Discounted Item (-40% OFF)