Map Information
NPC List on Map
NPC Name NPC Information
Stone statue of guardian in Metal's stage 6
(X: 138, Y: 64)
Common / Quest
Common or quest NPC.
Metal Lightning 6th floor
(X: 130, Y: 82)
Mix Builder
Through this NPC, you can:
► Revive Hench/Cores
► Mix Hench/Cores
► Check Mix Abilities
► Rename Hench/Cores
► Sell Hench/Cores
Metal Lightning 6th floor
(X: 142, Y: 82)
Mix Builder
Through this NPC, you can:
► Revive Hench/Cores
► Mix Hench/Cores
► Check Mix Abilities
► Rename Hench/Cores
► Sell Hench/Cores
Metal Lightning 6th floor
(X: 150, Y: 73)
Mix Builder
Through this NPC, you can:
► Revive Hench/Cores
► Mix Hench/Cores
► Check Mix Abilities
► Rename Hench/Cores
► Sell Hench/Cores
Metal Lightning 6th floor
(X: 150, Y: 61)
Mix Builder
Through this NPC, you can:
► Revive Hench/Cores
► Mix Hench/Cores
► Check Mix Abilities
► Rename Hench/Cores
► Sell Hench/Cores
Metal Lightning 6th floor
(X: 142, Y: 53)
Mix Builder
Through this NPC, you can:
► Revive Hench/Cores
► Mix Hench/Cores
► Check Mix Abilities
► Rename Hench/Cores
► Sell Hench/Cores
Metal Lightning 6th floor
(X: 130, Y: 53)
Mix Builder
Through this NPC, you can:
► Revive Hench/Cores
► Mix Hench/Cores
► Check Mix Abilities
► Rename Hench/Cores
► Sell Hench/Cores
Monster List on Map

Old Metal (Lv.162)
Bluish-green floating stone piece
Bluish-green floating gemstone
Red Metal
Key of Machine Life
Mithrill Core

Blacknity (Lv.170)
Bluish-green floating stone piece
Bluish-green floating gemstone
Red Metal
Key of Machine Life
Mithrill Core

DarkToonga (Lv.168)
Bluish-green floating stone piece
Bluish-green floating gemstone
Red Metal
Key of Machine Life
Mithrill Core