Map Information
NPC List on Map
NPC Name NPC Information
Demon Guardian
(X: 141, Y: 63)
Common / Quest
Common or quest NPC.
Devil Lightning 1st floor
(X: 130, Y: 82)
Mix Builder
Through this NPC, you can:
► Revive Hench/Cores
► Mix Hench/Cores
► Check Mix Abilities
► Rename Hench/Cores
► Sell Hench/Cores
Monster List on Map

Succubus (Lv.92)
Gray floating stone piece
Wing of Bat
Devil's Contract
Devil Touch

HellBoy (Lv.102)
Gray floating stone piece
Wing of Bat
Devil's Contract
Devil Touch

PBanshee (Lv.101)
Gray floating stone piece
Wing of Bat
Devil's Contract
Devil Touch

DevilStone (Lv.99)
Gray floating stone piece
Wing of Bat
Devil's Contract
Devil Touch

Maleki (Lv.105)
Gray floating stone piece
Wing of Bat
Devil's Contract
Devil Touch

Evo-Devilco (Lv.120)
Gray floating stone piece
Wing of Bat
Devil's Contract
Devil Touch