Map Information
NPC List on Map
NPC Name NPC Information
(X: 84, Y: 154)
Common / Quest
Common or quest NPC.
Mix builder
(X: 88, Y: 109)
Mix Builder
Through this NPC, you can:
► Revive Hench/Cores
► Mix Hench/Cores
► Check Mix Abilities
► Rename Hench/Cores
► Sell Hench/Cores
Hench Book Seller
(X: 125, Y: 110)
► Merchant. Sells the following items:
Recipe [Ancient Dark Knuckle]
Recipe [Neo Phoenix Gun]
Recipe [Neo Destroyer Gun]
Recipe [Neo Anubis Knuckle]
Recipe [Neo Nepenthes Knuckle]
Recipe [Neo King Garugon Sword]
Recipe [Neo Phoenix Sword]
Recipe [Neo Destroyer Sword]
Recipe [Neo King Garugon Gun]
Recipe [Neo CutterMantis Bow]
Recipe [Neo Hellfard Gun]
Recipe [Neo RoofTile G Gun]
Recipe [Neo King Garugon Bow]
Recipe [Neo CutterMantis Knuckle]
Recipe [Neo Hellfard Sword]
Recipe [Neo RoofTile G Sword]
Recipe [Ancient Dark Gun]
Recipe [Neo Phoenix Bow]
Recipe [Neo Destroyer Bow]
Recipe [Neo Anubis Gun]
Recipe [Neo Nepenthes Gun]
Recipe [Ancient Dark Sword]
Recipe [Neo Phoenix Knuckle]
Recipe [Neo Destroyer Knuckle]
Recipe [Neo Anubis Sword]
Recipe [Neo Nepenthes Sword]
Recipe [Neo Hellfard Bow]
Recipe [Neo RoofTile G Bow]
Recipe [Neo King Garugon Knuckle]
Recipe [Neo CutterMantis Gun]
Recipe [Neo Hellfard Knuckle]
Recipe [Neo RoofTile G Knuckle]
Recipe [Ancient Dark Bow]
Recipe [Neo CutterMantis Sword]
Recipe [Neo Anubis Bow]
Recipe [Neo Nepenthes Bow]
Monster List on Map

Neo Garugon (Lv.195)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Dragon Scale
Dragon's Jewellery
Dragon Blood
Silent Dragon Medal
Silent Dragon Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Dragon Soul Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Venom Dasher (Lv.192)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Sharp Tooth
Symbol of Animal
Vigor Heart
Silent Animal Medal
Silent Animal Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Beast Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo Nipper King (Lv.195)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Sweet Sap
Shell of RainBow Insect
Millenary Dew Crystal
Silent Insect Medal
Silent Insect Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Insect Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo Rolling (Lv.195)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Red Metal
Key of Machine Life
Mithrill Core
Silent Metal Medal
Silent Metal Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Metal Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Pump King (Lv.194)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Wing of Bat
Devil's Contract
Devil Touch
Silent Devil Medal
Silent Devil Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Devil Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Vortexer (Lv.194)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Plumes of Wind
Wind Crystal
Flaming Feather
Silent Bird Medal
Silent Bird Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Bird Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Inferno Queen (Lv.194)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Sweet Sap
Shell of RainBow Insect
Millenary Dew Crystal
Silent Insect Medal
Silent Insect Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Insect Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo Yggdrasil (Lv.193)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
TWing of Life
Leaf of Life
Life Tree Sap
Silent Plant Medal
Silent Plant Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Plant Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Draqoon (Lv.193)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Dragon Scale
Dragon's Jewellery
Dragon Blood
Silent Dragon Medal
Silent Dragon Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Dragon Soul Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

New Grace (Lv.192)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Plumes of Wind
Wind Crystal
Flaming Feather
Silent Bird Medal
Silent Bird Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Bird Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Busal (Lv.194)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Sharp Tooth
Symbol of Animal
Vigor Heart
Silent Animal Medal
Silent Animal Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Beast Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo HotPot (Lv.195)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Mystic Wand
Chaos Crystal
Dreamy Whirlpool
Silent Mystery Medal
Silent Mystery Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Mystery Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo Soul Eater (Lv.195)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Mystic Wand
Chaos Crystal
Dreamy Whirlpool
Silent Mystery Medal
Silent Mystery Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Mystery Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo SunFlame (Lv.184)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
TWing of Life
Leaf of Life
Life Tree Sap
Silent Plant Medal
Silent Plant Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Plant Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo PelicanCrew (Lv.185)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Plumes of Wind
Wind Crystal
Flaming Feather
Silent Bird Medal
Silent Bird Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Bird Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo Qoomtra (Lv.183)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Wing of Bat
Devil's Contract
Devil Touch
Silent Devil Medal
Silent Devil Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Devil Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo TopCymbals (Lv.184)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Mystic Wand
Chaos Crystal
Dreamy Whirlpool
Silent Mystery Medal
Silent Mystery Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Mystery Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo Blacknity (Lv.185)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Red Metal
Key of Machine Life
Mithrill Core
Silent Metal Medal
Silent Metal Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Metal Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo MegaHornz (Lv.184)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Sweet Sap
Shell of RainBow Insect
Millenary Dew Crystal
Silent Insect Medal
Silent Insect Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Insect Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo CutieCat (Lv.184)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Sharp Tooth
Symbol of Animal
Vigor Heart
Silent Animal Medal
Silent Animal Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Beast Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear

Neo RFairudo (Lv.183)
Joves Crystal of Devil's Tear
Dragon Scale
Dragon's Jewellery
Dragon Blood
Silent Dragon Medal
Silent Dragon Medallion
Legend Stone's Powder
Recipe [Joves Sealed Dragon Soul Soul]
Joves Crystal of Angel's Tear
Joves Crystal of Golden Tear